Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Spitzer Swallowed?

ROCHESTER - Governor Spitzer has shown his fatal flaw. Many figured it could be his arrogance and or his temper that had the potential to bring down the charismatic crime fighter. Turns out he has a thing for the hookers. The biggest question is, will this quicksand pit swallow him and career?

This was a terrible act. He is married. He has kids. He is the Governor of the Empire State. This isn't some two bit Assemblyman getting caught fooling around with his intern (usually legal). This is prostitution (always illegal). Normally I would tell you this is an issue between him and his wife. That goes for 'normal' cheating. This crosses the line from moral issue to legal matter. That is where I leave him on his own. If he needed some side action, that is, like I said, between him and his wife. Not my place to say. Once he commits a crime to feed his desires, however, he has lost the public trust to govern. That is when he should resign and that is why he must resign.

This is also an amazingly arrogant behavior pattern. Why is a Harvard Law, ex-Attorney General, Governor of New York using a call girl service with a paper trail? He used to bust these things up, didn't he remember how those guys got caught? He must have figured he was smarter than that. Somehow he wouldn't get caught.

Former Comptroller Alan Hevesi put a major drag on the Democrats by fighting to stay in power. Spitzer can do no such thing. He screwed up and must fall on his sword. He is caught red handed and no excuses can save him now, unless he has an evil twin brother. At this point, nothing would surprise me.

If Spitzer has any decency in him, and I believe he does, he will resign and spend his time trying to repair his family. I feel terrible for Silda and their three teenage daughters. She should probably kick him to the curb, trust fund and all. Then again, that is not my place to say. That is between them. He crossed my line when the issue went from a private moral issue to a public legal matter. That is when the scandal swallowed him whole.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is really sad and funny. But being a politician leads you to this...check out this Times article (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/11/nyregion/11cnd-scandals.html?hp). I hope he resigns soon for the Dem's sake.

Good news for Rick Dollinger. His old State Senate colleague will be the new Gov.