Wednesday, February 6, 2008

It's Not Me, It's You

ROCHESTER - A colleague of mine in a mixed marriage (she is correct and he is a Republican) recently mentioned how her husband is laughing at us Democrats for 'screwing up' our cake walk to the White House. Excuse me?! Is that serious or wishful thinking? We are down to two wonderful candidates who represent a new and brighter future for our country. Sure they argue. So what? Don't laugh at us Republicans, because it is you guys who are screwed up. You have three men trying desperately to be as conservative as possible, and the one succeeding most doesn't believe in evolution. One guy looks like he owns a car dealership and waffles on every issue. The other used to be rather moderate and is now a Bush stooge. They have essentially nominated Huckabee in the south, McCain on the coasts (liberal, lefty coasts!), and Romney picking up the random leftovers. Oh, yeah, we Dems are a mess alright.

This made me realize we are still living in a Republican spin zone. No matter what happens, the media allows the Republicans to frame the issues. This is natural considering how conservative the media really is. But it frightens me that this still trickles down to the low level folks, the same ones that should be calling for change. This leaves us with work to do. People are pissed off at the economy, at the war, and are afraid of threats from terrorists and immigrants. That doesn't mean we win easy. Far from it. The media still puts economy and national defense issues in the Republican corner. People want to change, but they are also afraid of change. It is our mission to extend our hand to show them change is okay, possible, and exciting. Fortunately, we have two candidates who can do that. So no, we are not a mess, thank you very much. In fact, we are hitting our stride.

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