Thursday, January 10, 2008

East Rochester Recap

ROCHESTER - Now that we know each other a little bit better, I figure I would just dive right in on one of my favorite current events: East Rochester regime change. It is expected that folks losing easy money put up a fight to maintain their golden goose, but this ER stuff is too much. It shows why 'Main Street' Republicans are sometimes as corrupt as 'Wall Street' Republicans.

The first shot in this battle was by outgoing Mayor David Bonacchi himself. If you recall, he collected a Messenger Post jeer for shaming ER residents for voting for challenger Jason Koon. Sour grapes for sure, but after a loss, maybe it was frustration. Or was it the tip of the iceberg? Turns out however, it is more like a sour vineyard. As Koon started to fulfill his campaign promise of cleaning out Town Hall, the Republicans scrambled to keep this gravy train government they had created on the rails. The remaining Republican board members scrambled to put together a Joseph McCarthy style meeting and pack the place with people about to lose their ER welfare checks. Even the news stations were tricked by this little charade. Not the people of ER though. The people in ER are no pushovers, and they didn't vote for change just to see the status quo maintained by their greedy neighbors. So they stood up for change, they stood up for Koon, and they stood up for their beloved 'Home of Champions'.

So what did we learn from all this?
1. ER can make front page news without a train crash.
2. If you weren't born in ER, you are not welcome.
3. ER has some of the highest taxes in the region.
4. The town payroll roster looks like a family tree with few branches.
5. People do not like arrogance from their government.

Things seem to be quieting down over on the East side, but it is still an important issue. This public debate has turned a spotlight on the ugly side of small town politics, a place where you can tax your neighbor to pay your friend. I think it is imperative, as Democrats, that we focus on helping Mayor Koon (and Dem. board member Andrew Serrano) get another ally on the board in the next election. Push back is coming, and the Republicans won't be so complacent, lazy and arrogant next time around. We can show them that their time is past and beat them again, and give East Rochester a chance to finally restore its past glory.

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