Monday, June 2, 2008

Good For Paterson

ROCHESTER - God Bless David Paterson! Finally a true leader steps up for ALL New Yorkers and directs state agencies to recognize same sex marriages. This should be law and New York should be allowing municipalities to perform them as well, but let us celebrate the battle before continuing the war.

Not allowing two consenting adults to marry on the basis of sexual orientation is discrimination and immoral. It is not 'more complicated' than that. The State is allowed to step on religion's toes all it wants because the two don't answer to each other. I don't care if the church of some saint won't perform a ceremony (that is their right as a private club), but every city hall government that can perform weddings, must.

If you use an ancient religious text as the basis for a modern argument, you are in trouble. I don't think I need to list the accepted 'outdated' readings, but if some can be ignored, all can be ignored. Don't take the 'high' road with me selectively. If you think same sex marriage is wrong because of the Bible, then, logically, you must believe slavery and human sacrifice are acceptable.

Lastly, marriage is a wonderful institution. It is a bond shared between two people who are in love. We should be promoting marriage, not denying it. The less people are married, the more marriage becomes socially irrelevant.

I don't mean for this to be some anger filled, bitter rant against religion. Some churches are at the forefront of civil rights history and continue to be there. Others used to be progressive, yet have lost their way. The Bible tells me that one should fight injustice, help others that need help, and judge no one. I think most people would agree they get similar lessons. Let us use religion as a unifying force, not a divisive one, as a select few would do.

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