Monday, February 25, 2008

Maggie Brooks: Hypocrite

ROCHESTER - Monroe County Executive Maggie Brooks has shown herself to be a political hack. Sometimes that is what it takes to reach such lofty positions in politics. Now, however, she has shown herself to be worse: a hypocrite.

She is using tax payer money to appeal a court decision to 'protect tax payers'. What? That makes no sense. Let the decision be, because, if nothing else, it is inevitable. She will not win her appeal. Will she repay us tax payers for her frivolous law suit? Of course not.

This little article does not even get into the fact that giving benefits to ALL married couples is the RIGHT thing to do. That defending, strengthening and promoting marriage means allowing ALL consenting adults to do so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just about all Republican elected officials are!!! At least today they are.

There used to be good folks on both sides of the aisle, now you've got little more than a handful of intelligent and well-meaning Democratic elected officials and maybe one or two Republicans who fit that bill (I'm being kind here). Former Mendon Supervisor Moe Bickwheat comes to mind as a model of the unambitious community minded elected official.