Thursday, February 21, 2008

Random Thoughts of the Week

ROCHESTER - Sometimes my genius insight doesn't lend itself to an entire blog. Rather than stretch out a few worthwhile remarks into a longwinded tangent, I shall cheat and introduce a segment I shall call, Random Thoughts of the Week.

--Glad to see the US Navy has the ability to play missile command and shoot things out of space.

--I still believe Clinton will win the nomination. Machines (and credible promises) win conventions. If Obama can't wrap it up before then, he may be out of luck this time.

--Roger Clemens is a douchebag. Oh, he's under investigation for steroid use? Okay, he is a royal douchebag.

--Democrat and Chronicle editor James Lawrence thinks gangsta rap is bad and coarsens our culture, but the D and C puts a bloodstained sidewalk photo on the front page above the fold (meaning passersby, ie children, can see it without buying a paper). Hmmm......

--Republicans in the County Legislature are racist. I have attended meetings that are overflowing/standing room only and have never been through a metal detector. One time the crowd contained disgruntled county employees who carry weapons on the job, but they were overwhelmingly white, so I guess they weren't a threat. But in police terms, they had motive and opportunity. Again, they were mostly white.

--Rick Dollinger will be my next State Senator. Run, Rick, run!

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